The Addams Family Card Game (1965, Milton Bradley)

Alfred Hitchcock's WHY (1961, Milton Bradley)

Alfred Hitchcock's WHY (1967, Milton Bradley)

Barnabas Collins Dark Shadows (1969, Milton Bradley)

Bats In Your Belfry! (1964, Mattel)

Bewitch! (1964, Selchow & Right)

Big Foot (1977, Milton Bradley)

Boris Karloff's Monster Game (1965, Game Gems)

Casper The Friendly Ghost (1974, Schaper)

Creature Castle (1979, Whitman)

Dracula Mystery Game (1963, Hasbro)

Frankenstein Mystery Game (1963, Hasbro)

The Funky Phantom (1971, Milton Bradley)

Ghosts! (1985, Milton Bradley)

Godzilla (1978, Mattel)

Green Ghost (1965, Transogram)

Haunted House (1962, Ideal)

WDW Haunted Mansion (70s, Lakeside)

Hexed! (1960, Tryne Games)

Jaws (1975, Ideal)

Journey To The Unknown (1968, Remco)

Ka-Bala (1967, Transogram)

Kreskin's ESP (1966, Milton Bradley)

Milton the Monster (1966, Milton Bradley)

Mind Over Matter (1967, Ideal)

Monster Old Maid (1964, Milton Bradley)

The Monster Squad (1977, Milton Bradley)

Mostly Ghostly (1975, Cadaco)

The Munsters Card game (1964, Milton Bradley)

Mystery Mansion (1984, Milton Bradley)

Mystic Skull (1964, Ideal)

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? (1973, Milton Bradley)

Seance (1972, Milton Bradley)

Spider and the Fly (1962, Whitman)

Sunken Treasure (1976, Milton Bradley)

Superstition (1977, Milton Bradley)

The Twilight Zone (1964, Ideal)

Various Monster Games (70s, Lakeside)

Voice of the Mummy (1971, Milton Bradley)

Voodoo Doll (1967, Schaper)

Which Witch? (Milton Bradley)

Yipes! (1976, Ideal)

The above images came from the excellent Board Games and More Board Games (both by Desi Scarpone for Schiffer Books). Highly recommended.

WOW! What a great trip down Spooky Memory Lane! Thanks for posting these Bill!
Enchanted Blessings,
Wow. I never knew there were so many great Monster Board Games. I just found one last year on ebay called "Monster Madness".
See It Here.
Is it THE Dave from Mostly Ghostly? I LOVE your blog and am glad to see your actively posting again. Thanks for paying a visit!
-Brother Bill
What a blast from the past! I had several of these games and wanted several more. Two that I owned and had forgotten about were, "Creature Castle" and "Mostly Ghostly".
Yes it is me Brother Bill. I had trouble with an Internet Troll last Summer, and I had to move my sharing to a private Yuku Forum located here:
I just sold my "I Vant To Bite Your Finger" Game. I still have "Monster Madness" for sale though if anyone's interested. I had bought them from my Grandkids, but our Daughter told them not to bother that they wouldn't play board games. Kids today.
Love your blog here.
Great job assembling all these! I've never seen them all in one place before and some I've never seen period. So pleasing to my eyes.
I checked ebay, and many of these are avialble there for quite reasonable prices.
Kirk D.: Glad you enjoyed them. Needless to say I'm a big fan of the Secret Fun Spot.
Thanks for visiting!
What a fun listing of games! Maybe someone here can help me find a game I used to play at my Grandmother's house. I've always thought it was a Boris Karloff game, but can't find it anywhere. It was probably made in the l940's and I really can't remember much about it except that it was spooky-fun to play! I think there was a graveyard involved and monsters (not the one from 1965)...probably a mummy. Sorry I don't have much more to go on, but I'd REALLY love to find this game!
I just finished playing Creature Castle game w/my 7 yr. old. It's a little worn but still playable. Was one of my favorite games when I was a kid. I enjoyed the list of games and I recognized 2 games that I had as a child but had completely forgotten about!!
Anyone remember a Glow in the dark skeleton game (not Mostly Ghostly) basically it was plastic Glow in the dark skeletons and you could place them in different positions on a black cardboard game board. I can't remember the name of it.
This is nice! I have always been intrigued by spells and other witchcraft related, and then I found this collectible Lagim card game. It is all about defending your baryo against mythical creatures and enchanting beings. Check out here:
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