I found this hiding in a stack of music CDs from various none-hit-wonders: Classic Stories For Kids: From the Mouths of Monsters.

But I didn't want to dismiss "From the Mouths..." so quickly, so I checked the back for a description that might reveal the source of the disc's content. I found this:

"You may know the story of Frankenstein's Monster, but you've never heard it like this. Relive the classic tale from the mind of the monster himself!
You will also hear a tale of the mysterious Count Dracula from the only man brave enough to seek him out."
Doesn't really tell me the source of the recording... is it some lame, modern Party City reject, or a vintage radio-drama, LP, or book on tape?
So then I looked for a copyright date...

You may be thinking at this point... its a lousy buck, just buy the damn thing already. True, the cost is only a dollar, but there's the opportunity cost of waiting in one of the slowest moving cash-register lines in retail.
Anyway, purchase made, I pop the mysterious find into the CD player, and am delighted to discover I've just purchased a reissue of...

..."Famous Monsters Speak", the classic kids' record from 1963!
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