Set entirely on one Halloween night, it's the adventure of eight boys, each dressed for trick-or-treats as a different spooky archetype (skeleton, Jack-O-Lantern, a witch, the grim reaper, etc.) who are led by the mysterious Mr. Moundshroud on a journey through time and space to experience the various cultural traditions that preceded and shaped our modern Halloween.

The adventure appropriately begins at this exemplar haunted house, home of an old wizard, Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud, who invites eight trick-or-treating visitors to learn why they dress in costumes and go door to door to collect candy every October 31st.

In the course of one Halloween night, Moundshroud and company will visit the burial rituals of ancient Egypt, a Dia De Los Muertos celebration in Mexico, the Festival of the Dead in mythic Greece, and a Druid harvest festival.

In 1993, The Halloween Tree was adapted into a (mostly mediocre) full-length animated film, currently only available on an out-of-print VHS.
UPDATE: Now available on DVD through the Warner Archives burn-on-demand program!

2-CD set featuring this gorgeous cover art.

Each chapter of the book is marked by a drawing of a different Halloween mask. Here they are.

Great post. Love this story and appreciate your thoughtfulness.
You know... I have never read this one. Gonna go and find it now. PaperBackSwap is a great site for things like this. Thanks for the post & all the pics!
The Frog Queen:
Thanks for the kind words!
You might be interested in how that Halloween Tree at Disneyland came about, back in 2007...
That's a great story! Thanks for posting.
I read this book to my kids every Halloween - in the dark, by candlelight. It's a great read-aloud book
i love Mugnaini's illustrations...
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